Plan for Gender Equality of Foundation Cluster Information and Communication Technologies (2021-2022)

I. Foundation Cluster Information and Communication Technologies( ICT Cluster)

ICT Cluster is a non-profit legal entity performing activity in public benefit, established in accordance with the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities of Bulgaria.

The Cluster is a strategic cluster initiative of Bulgarian ICT business. The mission of the organization is to increase the competitiveness of Bulgarian ICT industry by support of ICT SME growth, promotion of ICT cluster excellence and creation of new business opportunities through cross- border, cross-industry and cross-cluster collaboration. The foundation to carry out additional economic activity within the meaning of Article 3 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities with subject: consulting services, representation, mediation, publishers, elaboration of projects and programs, making analyzes, preparation of information products and based solutions, organizing professional training, courses, seminars, conferences and others events. As a non-profit legal entity for public benefit, the foundation does not distribute profits.


II. Nacional and international legal framework

A key factor for the successful performance of the main functions of the foundation is the creation of an effective working environment. The Organization focuses on ensuring equality between women and men, which in the sense of the Law on Equality between Women and Men[1] is expressed in equal rights and obligations, equal opportunities for realization and overcoming obstacles in all areas of public life, as women and men are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without limiting the social role of their gender. 

The legal guarantees for equality of women and men are constituted and observed by the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and special codes and laws, incl. Protection against Discrimination Act. National legislation treats women and men equally in all areas of public relations governed by law, thus ensuring their equality. The principle of non-discrimination is horizontal and is contained in all normative acts related to the topic.

At the national level, the main strategic document of the unified policy on equality between women and men [3] is the national strategy for the promotion of equality between woman and men. It aims to ensure equal opportunities for women and men to participate fully and actively in all areas of life and to prevent discrimination on the grounds of sex. The national strategy corresponds to the relevant European strategic documents. As a member of the UN, ILO, EU and the Council of Europe, Bulgaria is committed to developing policies aimed at promoting equality between woman and men, in accordance with the standards adopted by them and national specifics and legislation. Gender equality is a key priority for the European Commission, driven by the gender equality strategy. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) [4] has been set up in the EU to strengthen and promote gender equality.

III.  Current situation in the ICT Cluster

Following the tool „Gender Equality in Academia and Research“ (GEAR[5]), provided by European institute for gender equality, the process of preparing the plan for gender equality began with a study of the current situation in foundation, aiming to identify potential existing problems, connected with gender equality in organization. Statistical data for servants, their satisfaction with working conditions, their opportunities for development within the ICT Cluster were analyzed. The data showed that women predominate among the employees employed on a labor contract. Management positions are divided equally for both sexes.


Employees of the ICT Cluster in 2021


Total number



total number employees




employees on a employment contract




full-time employees




part-time employees




appointed persons




left persons




employees on a managerial position




employees on a expert position




employees on a specialist position




employees on a technical position




employees on a administrative position




employees involved in projects




employees involved in training and conference




average salary





IV. Purposes

This document reflects the organizations values regarding gender equality and how they will be implemented in practice. The initial analysis shows that women predominate in the Organization. In order to ensure equal opportunities for employment and development based on qualifications, the organization sets the following goals:

  • Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in career development.
  • Increase awareness of the importance of gender equality.
  • Increase awareness of educational and professional opportunities for training and qualification.


V. Objectives and measures for their achievement


Ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in career development.


  1)    Revision of the process of appointment of persons in the organization. The existence of a transparent and structured recruitment approach protects the foundation from recruiting inappropriate persons, investing in their training and subsequently suffering from low productivity the need for redundancies and a new recruitment process and from discriminatory recruitment practices of equality legislation and the risk of complaints to the Commission for protection against discrimination as well as court cases.



Increase awareness of the importance of gender equality.


1)    Introducing the employees to the Plan of Gender Equality in the foundation. Educating staff on the organizations gender equality policy can be an important tool for ensuring that every employee is aware of gender equality principles and measures. The training whether conducted by an internal staff member human resources specialists or trainers should inform participants about:

         -  Gender equality legislation and its implementation in practice.

         - The roles and responsibilities of employees in the process of implementing this Gender Equality Plan.

         - Legal guarantees for the observance of the principle of gender equality.

2)     Provision of relevant materials on gender equality in the work environment, the pay gap and working conditions between the sexes and others



Raising awareness of educational and professional opportunities for training and qualification.


1)   Providing relevant materials on various opportunities for professional development.

2)   Conducting seminars / trainings on topics related to the work and development of employees.


VI. Monitoring of the plan

The monitoring of the implementation of the current Plan for Gender Equality and the set goals will be carried out through an annual report on the achieved results and revision of the plan in view of the current situation both in the foundation and at the national and international level. The plan and reports can be found on the foundation website.


To update, implement and monitoring the plan answer Blagovesta Mladenova. If necessary external expertise will be included.

4 March 2022





